It's a pumpkin! A pumpkin with 3 functions! 1st and foremost it served as orangey fall goodness in it's original state for about an hour after I brought it home. Then I took a cutting knife to it. From there, it ended up looking like a butchered cut of meat. It was bad. Real bad. So, I left it up to Tal to fix the poor thing {note: it was so bad he tried to get me to go back to the store and just buy a new one}. I present to you....the proper cutting of a pumpkin....

See when I cut it...I just kind of winged it to try and get a straight cut all the way across. Epic fail. It was Talon that thought up the oh so smart idea of drawing an even line all the way around Mr. Pumpkin....

And then we brought back out the cutting knife. This time with a path to follow....

Then the pumpkin's second life a beer cooler for Tal's birthday...I talked about the birthday
here. Unfortunately, I didn't get a really good picture when it was all filled with ice but you get the jest...

After the birthday celebration....I turned it in to a pot holder for a mum.....

I love would never know...I mean I haven't bought upwards of 10 in the past week or anything....

I paired the pumpkin plant with a fake scary pumpkin for some more Halloween decor....

Isn't that the creepiest face ever.....but I guess scary pumpkins aren't suppose to be smiling:)

I've definitely gotten my 6 bucks out of this little pumpkin.
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