This post is incredibly boring but I will post it to be you. We've pretty much had a very
chilaxed couple of weeks. Football season tends to consume Saturday. Sunday is church and then
bam there's the ugly work week again. So, blog goodness is limited. Here's all I got until I go home and take some more photos.
This is how Tillie rides with Talon in the car....

Apparently she needs a head rest for the entirety of her car ride. High maintenance I tell ya.

In between ensuring that Tillie has the appropriate head support over the weekend we managed to squeeze in a little kitchen dreaming. Something like this (Via
This Old House) wouldn't be to shabby....

But since we can't find a money tree we are thinking maybe a customized island would do. Although it may not be feasible either since using anything other than cardboard for a
counter top is a darn fortune. We did map it out with masking tap to kind of get a feel for how it would look in the room. No, an oddly
shaped person was not murdered.

We stared at it for a few days and loved the feel of it. So many things to think about like....can you open your oven all the way? will it get in the way of
un-loading the dishwasher? what kind of storage do we need? It will
definitely require a lot more thought before any big steps are made.

We shall see if our little kitchen dream ever becomes a reality. See....I told you this post was boring.
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