Or at least ugly pouf be gone....

You may remember this guy from when I mentioned it
here or
here .....

I found it at my favorite junk store and almost DIED. Why? Because it was only 8 dollas. Luckiest day eva. I then almost died a second time when I tried to re-cover it myself. Turns out sewing a circle isn't quite as easy as sewing a pillow. I had to call in my Mom for backup. Sewing a circle wasn't hard at all for her. And to give myself some credit I did cut out the fabric correctly. Go me!

My Mom made me take this photo to pretend I knew what I was doing...nobodies buying it I'm sure. She did all the work.

And when she was finished with all that work (really it only took about 30 minutes) it looked like this....

Notice that purdy shag carpet in the background. It was a birthday present and it makes anything look good. Not that the pouf needs any help. {Side Note - Tils walks up to that antler and sniffs it like 100 times a day - supa funny}

It's not only pretty but very functional. It's less bulky than a big ol' coffee table and makes for a great place to prop your feet up.

And because everyone loves a good before and after....

So there you have it....the ugly pouf is gone. Here's a question for you....Is it really called a pouf? Do you spell it p-o-u-f? If not that's embarrassing because I've spelled and called it that a lot in this post :)