We 'paloozed it up this weekend. What is Aquapalooza? A big fun party on the lake. They have them all over -- you can read all about it

They should really call it Peeapalooza. I mean really ----- where are all those people going to the bathroom???????

There were TONS of boats just tied up together listening to the music...

If you are a fan of music then you might think it's cool that Sawyer Brown was the entertainment. We didn't think it was that cool so we left before he ever went on stage.

But there was good music all day by lots of semi-decent artist....

Overall, it was a blast! Can't wait to go back next year.

Anybody else been to Aquapalooza?
Pssshhhh...see a pic of Tal and I on al.com from Aquapalooza here.
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